The antibody has a proven strong staining at a 1/1000 - 1/2000 dilution in rat adrenal medulla using Biotin-Streptavidin/HRP detection method.Photo Description: IHC image of the rat adrenal medulla staining for SP-1 chromogranin with standard biotin-streptavidin/HRP procedure and DAB chromogen (above) and with FITC-conjugated secondary antibody (bottom). The tissue was fixed with 4% formaldehyde in phosphate buffer, before being removed and prepared for vibratome sectioning. Floating sections were incubated at RT in 10% goat serum in PBS, before standard IHC procedure. Primary antibody was incubated at 1:5000 for 48 hours, goat anti-rabbit secondary was subsequently added for 1 hour after washing with PBS.
Quantity / Volume: 100 µL
State: Lyophilized Whole Serum
Reacts With: Bird (Agapornis Roseicollis), Bubalus Bubalis (Water Buffalo), Calves, Cat, Cattle, Chicken, Dog, Duck, Ewe, Fish, Guinea Pig, Hamster, Horse, Human, Monkey, Mouse, Ostrich, Pig, Rat, Sheep
Availability: In Stock
Alternate Names: Pituitary secretory protein I; CgA; chromogranin A (parathyroid secretory protein 1), anti-SP-1 Chromogranin A
Gene Symbol: CHGARRID: AB_572227Database Links:Entrez Gene:102413232 Bubalus Bubalis (Water Buffalo)Entrez Gene:101087412 CatEntrez Gene:281070 CattleEntrez Gene:423420 ChickenEntrez Gene:607527DogEntrez Gene:101790234DuckEntrez Gene:101114907EweEntrez Gene:100717887Guinea PigEntrez Gene:100766424HamsterEntrez Gene:100033828HorseEntrez Gene:1113HumanEntrez Gene:574388MonkeyEntrez Gene:12652 MouseEntrez Gene:104153770OstrichEntrez Gene:397540PigEntrez Gene:24258 Rat
自从Aloysius Alzheimer博士于1906年首次描述这种疾病以来,科学家们在了解这种疾病如何影响大脑方面取得了显着进步。十多年后,理解和治疗的突破为阿尔茨海默氏病患者带来了希望。
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